Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Flood of New Opportunities

Friday night was a wild one here in Chicago. I work second shift at a hospital so I got home at about 12:30 am. I watched a little TV and then went to bed at 1:30. I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard a noise of gushing water. I couldn't imagine what it was or where it was coming from. I got out of bed, went into the kitchen and was standing in water in the dining room. I turned the light on and sewer water was gushing out of our kitchen sink!

For 3 hours, it never let up and my husband and I were shoveling the water out the back door. In this picture you can see the red shovel in the background.
We used all of our towels and our dining room rug to create a barrier to the rest of the apartment. All I wanted was to keep the damage to a minimum and not ruin our couch or bed.
We stacked the couches and our dining room chairs as far away as possible in case we couldn't keep the water out.
My husband and our landlord were finally able to stop the water at about 5:00 am! I had packed up a few essentials and our cats and drove over to grandma's house to stay the night. We're so lucky to have family only 5 minutes away.

So this week will be a busy one for me and the hubby. We will be moving to a unit directly above ours in the apartment building. It is being renovated and will be ready by the end of the week. So I'm really excited to have a brand new kitchen, complete with Ikea cabinets!

Blogging will be slow for me until next week but I will be sure to share photos of the new place once we're settled.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Gosh! I am so glad you heard it! Otherwise it would have been so much worse!

    At least you are getting a new kitchen! YAY!!

    Lou Cinda :)
