Today was the perfect fall day. A little chill in the air, a great football game by the Bears and then a trip to Tom's Farm. It wouldn't be fall without Tom's Farm. I grew up down the street from here and over the years it has grown in popularity and in size. But the quality has never changed. Tom's has
THE most delicious pies and apple cider donuts. I actually got 20 pies from here for the dessert for my wedding last year. My husband and I aren't big cake eaters but we love pie.

Check out this old fashioned scale to weigh your pumpkins on.

We went through the corn maze and I decided to get some creative shots with my camera.

My favorite part of the farm...the animals! This cow looks just like the ones from the Happy California Cows commercial. Vote for me!

Check out the sunshine rays. Beautiful!

Such beautiful fall colors.

My in-laws.
I love the sky in this picture.
Me and my hubby :)
Enjoying my Tom's Farm treats: a pumpkin donut and some apple cider. Happy fall!